Make tart beers without having to kettle sour.
Lactic Magic is a wild strain of Lachancea thermotolerans sour yeast that we captured in a Guelph backyard. Lactic Magic produces lactic acid from glucose in your wort. Compared to similar products, Lactic Magic displays enhanced citrus and tropical fruit aromatics and softer acidity. Since it is a yeast, Lactic Magic can be used to make hop-forward sour beers without annoying re-boiling steps!
Usage notes: Added glucose (dextrose) is required for lactic acid production. To drop pH below 4.0, you must add 2.5-5% dextrose by volume (that's roughly equal to 2.5-5ºP or 0.012-0.020 gravity points, or 0.5-1kg in a 20L batch). Added glucose (dextrose) is required for lactic acid production. Fermentation is slower than Saccharomyces but faster than Brett. Requires adequate nutrients and oxygen. See Instructions Sheet for additional tips!
65–85% |
TEMPERATURE 20–25ºC (68–77ºF) | DIASTATIC Non-diastatic | FERMENTATION RATE Medium-Low Fermentation Rate | SUITABLE BEER TYPES Gose, American Wild Ale, Berliner Weisse |
Medium Flocculation |
HMedium Alcohol Tolerance |
Non-phenolic |
Citrus, Tropical Fruit, Banana |