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LalBrew CBC-1 Cask & Bottle Conditioning Dry Yeast, 11g

In stock: 12 available
Product Details
Brand: Lallemand

LalBrew CBC-1™ has been specifically selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection for Cask and Bottle Conditioning applications due to its high resistance to alcohol and pressure. LalBrew CBC-1™ has a neutral flavor profile and does not metabolize maltotriose, therefore the original character of the beer is preserved after refermentation. The yeast will settle and form a tight mat at the bottom of the bottle or cask. LalBrew CBC-1™ is also an ideal strain for primary fermentation of dry ciders, mead and hard-seltzer. For simple sugar fermentations with appropriate yeast nutrition, LalBrew CBC-1™ achieves high attenuation with a clean and neutral flavor profile.

Brewing Properties:

LalBrew CBC-1™ has a neutral flavor and does not metabolize maltotriose, so the characteristics of the beer are not altered during bottle conditioning. Best results are achieved when priming the beer with simple sugars such as dextrose. Using a pitch rate of 10g/hL, refermentation can be completed in 2 weeks at the recommended temperatures. The optimal refermentation temperature range for LalBrew CBC-1™ yeast is 20-30°C (68 – 86°F). LalBrew CBC-1™ contains an adequate reserve of carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids, and cell division (typically one division) is likely to occur in the bottle.

LalBrew CBC-1™ produces high attenuation with neutral flavor and aroma in cider, mead and seltzer fermentations. Nutrients should be added to the fermentation to ensure appropriate levels of nitrogen, vitamins and minerals. LalBrew CBC-1™ is not recommended for primary fermentation of beer. The optimal fermentation temperature range for LalBrew CBC-1™ yeast is 20-30°C (68 – 86°F). The total fermentation time will depend strongly on the type of fermentation, pitching rate, nutrient composition and fermentation temperature.

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LalBrew CBC-1 Cask & Bottle Conditioning Dry Yeast, 11g

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