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Oak Cubes - American Medium Toast - 1lb

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Price per unit: $1.19 per ounce
Product Details

Oak cubes approximately 1 cm in all dimensions, made from seasoned American Oak and produced in the USA. Oak cubes take longer to impart their character to the liquid than chips, but the flavor can be superior due to the higher volume of unexposed wood in the cube. Medium toast provides good oak flavor and character. Cubes can be charred and then soak in spirits to simulate aging in a previously used oak barrel.

Recommended usage for beer is 1 oz to 2 oz per 5 gallons.
Recommended usage for wine is 2 oz to 4 oz per 5 gallons.

The one-pound size represents a 20% savings over the single-ounce on a per ounce basis.

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Oak Cubes - American Medium Toast - 1lb

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